The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers plans, builds, operates and maintains a wide range of water resources facilities. The Army, through the civil works program, seeks to develop sustainable solutions to America’s water resources needs using integrated water resources management concepts across mission areas in order to return the highest value to the nation in terms of economic, environmental and safety returns on investment.
Pittsburgh District used the Energy Division's Commercial Utility Program (CUP) to create savings of more than $4000 per month at the district's Montgomery Lock and Dam.
A key USACE challenge is that these critical infrastructure assets -- which provide essential value and services to the American people -- are worn and aging rapidly. Most projects are more than 50 years old and there remains a pressing national need to either repurpose or divest the assets or recapitalize them to maintain their viability today and in the future.
Huntsville Center's Energy Division partners with USACE Major Subordinate Commands (MSC) and Centers to support the Civil Works mission on a national scale.
In 2015, the Energy Division's Energy Savings Performance Contracting team exceeded the third party financing acquisition target in the President’s Performance Contracting Challenge (PPCC), in support of Assistance Secretary of the Army for Civil Works.
During FY13-FY14 the Energy Division's Energy Engineering Analysis Program (EEAP) partnered with USACE to conduct energy and water evaluations for 75 percent of USACE’s highest energy consuming facilities in compliance with provisions of the Energy Independent Security Act of 2007 (EISA), Section 432.
The following Energy Division programs are leveraged by districts and MSCs to ensure optimal solutions in energy management:
Commercial Utility Program (CUP)
The Energy Division’s Commercial Utility Program (CUP) acted as a consultant on behalf of Pittsburgh District's Montgomery Lock and Dam in negotiation of utility contracts that created energy savings of $4,500 per month. CUP has also been working with Kansas City District's Melvin Lake and Chicago District's Dispersal Barrier as a consultant analyzing electric invoices.
Energy Engineering Analysis Program (EEAP)
Huntsville Center supports the civil works mission at the request of districts to conduct EEAP services that include identification and development of energy and water savings projects, renewable energy, and utility cost avoidance and savings (CUP). EEAP evaluations are key in identifying opportunities for third party financed projects. They also provide the posture for development of an enterprise level Capital Investment Strategy (CIS) in support of each MSC’s sustainability goals.
A total of 40 EEAP projects have been completed at USACE locks and dams, reservoirs, river systems and lakes, and USACE district and division headquarter buildings. More than 400 energy savings opportunities (ECMs) have been identified since 2011, yielding a potential annual savings of $1.43 million with a capital investment of $9.37 million, an average simple payback of 6.5 years.
Energy Savings Performance Contract (ESPC)
The Energy Division has partnered with USACE from an enterprise level initiative to execute ESPCs across various civil works divisions, districts, and centers. A total of seven ESPCs have been initiated at various civil works locations throughout the USACE. The Mobile District project on the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway was the first USACE civil works ESPC to be awarded by Huntsville Center. Other locations include:
- Humphreys Engineer Center Support Activity in Alexandria, Virginia,
- Engineering Research and Development Center in Vicksburg, Mississippi
- Two Division-wide ESPCs spanning multiple Districts for the Mississippi Valley Division and Southwest Division (SWD)
- Two District ESPCs within the Pittsburgh District and Albuquerque District (SPA)
Lighting and thermostat replacements have been the most commonly pursued Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs) through the civil works ESPCs, although the civil works ESPCs are not limited to those ECMs.
The SPA and SWD ESPCs are following the ENABLE process due to the anticipated small size of the projects.
Resource Efficiency Manager (REM)
The Energy Division has partnered with USACE from an enterprise level initiative to furnish REMs across the MSCs and/or districts. REMs are intended to assist in supporting with developing energy savings opportunities with their energy management expertise.
Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)
The Energy Division supports an ongoing pilot project at New England District's Cape Cod Canal Solar PV with a planned capacity of 680 KW and is also exploring other civil works opportunities. This will be the first PPA initiative in civil works. PPA is another key option for alternative financing to achieve energy solutions.
Utility Energy Savings Contract (UESC)
CEHNC has identified a potential for pursuing this alternative form of private financing to achieve energy solutions and will be exploring further.