US Army Corps of Engineers
U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center Website

Commercial Utility Program

There are significant opportunities to substantially reduce utility bills and energy costs on federal installations as well as accomplish goals for energy demand reduction and efficiency and Huntsville Center’s Commercial Utility Program (CUP) can help.

Working in partnership with Army Regulatory Law, utility consultant contractors, Army land holding commands and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers civil works and District offices, CUP provides a wide range of installation utility management support services.

CUP facilitates and leads a team of subject matter experts (technical and legal) to mitigate utility bill increases through utility rate intervention, negotiation of utility service contracts and demand management enabling a return on your investment of six-to-one.  However, CUP has regularly achieved returns greater than 10-to-one.


Our CUP experts regularly evaluate utility provider services ensuring the Army is paying the lowest possible utility rate.

CUP administers the Army’s utilities privatization contracts for assessment studies and technical support and is program manager for the Army’s demand response initiative.


Our Utility service assessments identify and recommend cost-effective measures to maximize the benefits of utility provider contracts and service.


CUP also offers energy procurement optimization to determine the right balance between onsite generation potential and power purchased from utility providers.


The CUP program manager, acts as the Assistant Deputy Army Power Procurement Officer (ADAPPO), provides technical assistance with the preparation and review of utility service contracts. The PM also negotiates rates and provides oversight for customer (tenant) acquisition and sale of utilities services.


Per Army Regulation 420-41 (AR 420-41: "Acquisition and Sale of Utilities Services"), the ADAPPO resides at the U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville.


Contact the CUP team by calling (256) 895-1275 or send an email.




Learn More

To Learn more about CUP, click here and view our Fact Sheet.