Our Mission: The U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville, provides specialized technical expertise, global engineering solutions, and cutting-edge innovations through centrally managed programs in support of national interests.
Huntsville Center Vision: A certified, professional workforce with an expeditionary mindset capable of pioneering solutions to unique, complex, and high-risk missions in strengthened partnership with the USACE enterprise, key DOD stakeholders and our strategic allies.
We support specialized missions that require unique technical expertise in programs that are generally national or very broad in scope. The Center supports tasks not normally accomplished by a Headquarters U.S. Army Corps of Engineers element; tasks that require a centralized management structure, integrated facilities or systems that cross geographic division boundaries; and tasks that require commonality, standardization, multiple-site adaption or technology transfers.
Unlike the Corps' traditional geographically based organizations, the Center is not tied to water or other geographic boundaries.Instead, Huntsville Center is able to provide specialized support to all of the Corps' divisions and districts throughout the world. This website contains information about programs and services, as well as the business processes, that have made Huntsville Center a nationally recognized leader for quality within the federal government.
Our Charter:* Huntsville Center has programmatic and functional boundaries in lieu of geographical boundaries. We execute programs, projects and taskings that:
- Are national or broad in scope
- Require integrated facilities or systems that cross geographical division boundaries
- Require commonality, standardization, multiple site adaption, or technology transfer
- Require a centralized management structure for effective control of program development, coordination and execution
- Require functions to be performed that are not normally accomplished by a HQUSACE organizational element or that require unique, specialized, expert technical competencies
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Campaign Plan:** Huntsville Center programs and projects support the four USACE Campaign Plan Goals:
Goal 1: Support National Security
Goal 2: Transform Civil Works
Goal 3: Reduce Disaster Risks
Goal 4: Prepare for Tomorrow
* The Huntsville Center Charter is contained in U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulation (ER) 10-1-22
** Learn more about the USACE Campaign Plan on the USACE Headquarters site.