Centers of Expertise

Centers of Expertise (CX) are designated U.S. Army Corps of Engineers organizations (District, Laboratory, or Center) demonstrating capability and expertise in a specialized area. CXs improve capabilities and management, eliminate redundancy, optimize the use of specialized expertise and resources, enhance Corps-wide consistency, facilitate technology transfer, help maintain institutional knowledge in key areas, and improve service to customers, including rapid response to emergencies. 

A Mandatory Center of Expertise (MCX) is a USACE organization approved by Headquarters USACE (HQUSACE) as having a unique or exceptional technical capability in a specialized subject area that is critical to other USACE commands.  Mandatory services to be rendered by an MCX are published in an Engineer Regulation and identified on the Technical Excellence Network.  A CX receives its designation as an MCX when one or more services provided by the CX are considered to be mandatory use by all USACE elements.  An MCX may provide additional discretionary or voluntary products or services as authorized, similar to a TCX. However, its designation remains an MCX based on the mandatory component.

Huntsville Center Mandatory Centers of Expertise

  • Military Munitions Design Center
  • Environmental and Munitions
  • Facility Explosives Safety
  • Cybersecurity for Industrial Control System
  • Medical Facilities Design
  • Range and Training Land
  • Electronic Security Systems
  • Utility Monitoring and Control System
  • Ballistic Missile Defense 

A Technical Center of Expertise (TCX) is a USACE organization approved by HQUSACE as having a unique or exceptional technical capability in a specialized subject area that is beneficial to other USACE commands.  TCXs and services rendered are identified on TEN.

Huntsville Center Technical Centers of Expertise

  • HVAC Controls and HVAC Systems
  • DD Form 1391 Processor
  • Facility Systems Safety
  • Operations and Maintenance Engineering Enhancements
  • Energy Savings and Performance Contracting/Third Party Financing


MCX/TCX briefs and contacts

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Expand List item 23579Collapse List item 23579  

Operation and Maintenance Engineering Enhancement TCX

The Operation and Maintenance Engineering Enhancement/Project Support Services (OMEE/PSS) Program at the U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville, provides a simplified process to respond to the growing operation and maintenance (O&M) needs of Department of Defense (DOD) medical facilities, as well has other medical facility project support services.

Send email to to the HELPDESK for assistance

Expand List item 15628Collapse List item 15628  HVAC Controls and HVAC Systems TCX

Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Technical Center of Expertise

The Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Technical Center of Expertise is available on a reimbursable basis to provide technical support related to HVAC controls and systems for various Department of Defense elements. This support includes:Providing technical guidance; Performing technical submittal and design reviews; Providing specialized training related to HVAC controls and systems; Providing HVAC controls and system planning and designs; Investigating, identifying and solving HVAC controls and systems related problems; Developing statement of work/performance work statements; Developing criteria; Evaluating products/technologies; Assessing condition of HVAC controls and systems; Providing commissioning related oversight; Conducting performance verification / acceptance testing and monitoring of HVAC controls and systems; Conducting HVAC related energy performance audits/studies.

We have over 20 mechanical engineers located at Huntsville Center available to support this center of expertise using various HVAC analysis and Computer Assisted Design software tools as required.

Program Manager (256) 895-1727

Expand List item 13565Collapse List item 13565  Facility Explosives Safety MCX
Huntsville’s Structural Branch of the Directorate of Engineering was designated the Facilities Explosives Safety (FES) Mandatory Center of Expertise  (MCX) in November 2017. Projects involving the design, construction, or modification of facilities that manufacture, store, handle, maintain, develop, demilitarize, test, or dispose of ammunition or explosives (AE), and facilities within the Explosives Safety Quantity Distances (ESQD) of AE facilities require the involvement of subject matter experts in explosives safety. 

Program Manager: 256-895-1651
Expand List item 13568Collapse List item 13568  

Environmental and Munitions MCX

The Environmental and Munitions Center of Expertise, as part of the U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville, serves the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and others by providing high quality engineering and scientific support to environmental remediation, munitions response and compliance programs around the world. The EM CX staff is a diverse team of responsive, dedicated, innovative professionals who support USACE, the Environmental Community of Practice, and the Army in meeting environmental and munitions response challenges. The CX works with their customers to attain solutions that benefit and protect the public and the environment.

The EM CX supports the USACE Headquarters and offices worldwide on complex environmental and munitions issues through independent technical reviews, quality assurance reviews, munitions safety submission reviews, discipline-specific technical support, guidance development, participation on multi-agency panels and advisory committees, development and instruction of PROSPECT and informal training, and the evaluation of and recommendations on innovative technologies. The EM CX also provides environmental management assistance on special studies and analyses.

Program Manager: 256-895-1795

Expand List item 15627Collapse List item 15627  Control System Cybersecurity MCX

The Control System Cybersecurity Technical Center of Expertise promotes cybersecurity awareness and provides technical services related to ICS cybersecurity for military construction (MILCON) projects; sustainment, restoration and modernization (SRM) projects; and operations and maintenance (O&M) efforts to ensure USACE delivers cyber secure facilities to its military customers. The TCX supports USACE and external organizations in the development and review of ICS acquisition packages, ICS inventory and facility audits, and the development, review and oversight of ICS Risk Management Framework (RMF) execution in accordance with Department of Defense requirements.

Program Manager: 256-895-5242

Expand List item 23581Collapse List item 23581  Energy Savings Performance Contracting/Third Party Financing TCX

Huntsville is considered the Army’s expert in Energy Savings Performance Contracting/Third Party Financing. In close coordination with the garrison and Huntsville Center, the Energy Service Contractor  provides the capital and expertise to make comprehensive energy and water efficiency improvements on facilities or implements new renewable energy capabilities and maintains them in exchange for a portion of the generated savings.

Call the Program Manager at 256-895-1514


Expand List item 23580Collapse List item 23580  

Munitions Design Center MCX

Huntsville Center is a Design Center for Military Munitions Response Program (for both conventional and chemical warfare materiel ordnance) and in this role plans, manages and executes many of the MMRP projects for Formerly Used Defense Site and Base Realignment and Closure. Huntsville Center also supports range maintenance projects and clearance of munitions and explosives of concern, munitions constituents (MC) at active ranges to support construction and weapons demilitarization projects.

Call the Program Manager 256-895-1238.

Expand List item 13569Collapse List item 13569  

Utility Monitoring and Control System MCX

The Utility Monitoring and Control System (UMCS) Mandatory Center of Expertise (MCX) at Huntsville Center was established in 1981 in response to recurring problems in the design and installation of UMCS projects throughout the Department of Defense. The UMCS MCX develops and maintains criteria, specifications and relevant technical solutions that incorporate the latest technological advances and industry standards.

Program Manager: 256-895-1839.

Expand List item 13570Collapse List item 13570  

Medical Facilities MCX

Huntsville Center is the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Medical Facilities Mandatory Center of Expertise and Standardization (MX), and partners with the Corps' project delivery teams, regional business centers/divisions, stakeholders and geographical districts to provide medical expertise and the highest quality medical and medical research facility life cycle support to the Department of Defense (DOD), other federal agencies and foreign governments.

Program Manager: 256-895-1833

Expand List item 13566Collapse List item 13566  

Installation Support TCX

Huntsville Center serves as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Installation Support Center of Expertise. In that capacity, Huntsville Center’s project managers partner with Corps districts, Directorates of Public Works, Installation Management Command and other federal agencies on installation support projects worldwide. The ISCX is committed to providing outstanding mission and quality of life support to military installations.
For more information, visit the Installation Support and Programs Management homepage or call 256-895-1397.
Expand List item 13567Collapse List item 13567  Electronic Security Systems MCX

The Electronic Security Center (ESC) is the premier team for quality oversight and technical expertise for the design, procurement, and installation of Electronic Security Systems (ESS). Any U.S. Government agency in need of electronic security should contact us to discuss individual requirements and available engineering technical support and contracting opportunities. We work with the customer and in-house contracting teammates to develop requirements and issue a Request for Proposal (RFP), resulting in a task order award to a pre-qualified contractor, offering the best value to the government. We also offer ESS design courses and Integrated Commercial Intrusion Detection System (ICIDS) training courses for the Army and other U.S. agencies. We are currently developing courses for conducting Electronic Security System Surveys and conducting Performance Verification Testing (PVT).

Program Manager: 256-895-1403

Expand List item 18377Collapse List item 18377  

Ballistic Missile Defense System MCX

The U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville is the Ballistic Missile Defense System Mandatory Center of Expertise. Engineer Regulation 1110-2-8163 outlines roles and responsibilities for the new CX. The BMDS-MCX provides standard USACE support and technical expertise to MDA, and ensures standardization of design where applicable; maintains technical expertise; leverages technical knowledge; and assures consistency and efficiency in delivery of BMDS facilities and infrastructure. 

Program Manager: 256-895-1237.

Expand List item 20693Collapse List item 20693  

Range and Training Land MCX

The U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville is the designated the Range and Training Land Program Mandatory Center of Expertise (RTLP MCX). The RTLP MCX provides centralized management and engineering support to all parts of the Training Support System (TSS) Enterprise. TSS includes the Sustainable Range (SRP), Soldier Training Support (STSP), and Mission Command Training Support (MCTSP) Programs. The RTLP MCX is the centralized repository for information and expertise in planning, programming, design and construction of automated ranges, Training Support Centers (TSC) and Mission Training Complex (MTC) standards and projects for the TSS Program. The RTLP MCX assists the Department of the Army and installations in planning, site development, programming and design of ranges — both military construction (MILCON) and Operations and Maintenance (O&M) funded. The goal is to standardize ranges and training, while decreasing the overall cost of range design, construction, operation and maintenance as well as implementing new technologies to improve training capability in support of new weapons systems and tactics.

Program Manager: 256-895-1534

Expand List item 23578Collapse List item 23578  DD Form 1391 TCX

The U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville, as the assigned responsible agency for the DD Form 1391 Processor System since 1980, is responsible for fielding, operation, maintenance, user assistance, and training to customers worldwide. The DD Form 1391 Processor and related systems cover a broad spectrum of unique needs and requirements associated with policies and procedures governing DD1391 Forms and related documentation. Huntsville Center, in cooperation with the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management, or ACSIM, has made the DD Form 1391 Processor System available via the Internet at To access the system, the user needs internet access, a standard configuration personal computer, and a Common Access Card.

Contact the PAX Support Team at 256-895-1838 or email for more information.