Facilities Division - Facilities Reduction Program

Program Manager: 256-895-1141

Huntsville Center
Published Sept. 12, 2018
Updated: Sept. 9, 2023

The Facilities Reduction Program (FRP) provides a fast-track, efficient method for demolition of excess facilities. This program allows commands to reduce excess real property to realize savings through the reduction in energy usage and maintenance costs.  

FRP provides demolition support for multiple Department of Defense installations and other Federal Agency locations throughout the Continental United States (CONUS), Alaska, Hawaii, US Territories and Possessions. 

FRP can assist with project development, the validation of requirements, the acquisition of environmental surveys for asbestos-containing and other regulated material, abatement of identified regulated materials, demolition, and restoration of the site for follow-on use. FRP is designated as a Best-in-Class (BIC) vehicle on the General Services Administration (GSA) Acquisition Gateway, the only “Solution Provider” for commercial demolition-related services on the GSA Gateway. The FRP suite of resources include in-house subject matter experts and a demolition Multiple Award Task Order Contracts (MATOCs)  to provide customers a cradle to grave solution for facility reduction. By utilizing a regional MATOC contracts and a matrix project delivery team (PDT), FRP is able to streamline the demolition process and provide low-cost, quick response demolition service contracts. This approach provides a competitive acquisition, with technically qualified contractors.

Demolition services include facility reduction; removal of trees and vegetation, parking lots, sidewalks, and roadways; utility disconnections, removal and rerouting; removal of above or underground storage tanks; recycling of building materials; site restoration; and data collection, data analysis and reporting pertaining to demolition. By combining abatement with demolition, the Government ensures a more efficient, safe and environmentally compliant demolition. Abatement services includes environmental assessments, abatement of facilities contaminants (i.e., lead, asbestos, chemicals, Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), Petroleum byproducts), redirection of debris waste streams, hazardous and non-hazardous debris transportation, environmental sampling, and proper disposal of regulated materials. 

Program Benefits:

  • Competition across a regional pool of qualified contractors increases the overall quality of services provided and assures competitive pricing.
  • The Facilities Reduction Program PDT has 15+ years of experience and lessons learned scoping, developing, awarding, and executing these types of projects.
  • Using a MATOC vs full and open competition results in acquisition cost and time savings.