Environmental and Munitions Center of Expertise Available Training

EM CX Training Coordinator: 402-697-2558

Huntsville Center
Published Sept. 9, 2016
Updated: Sept. 19, 2023

The U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville’s Environmental and Munitions Center of Expertise (EM CX), offers many different environmental training opportunities within and outside of the Proponent Sponsored Engineer Corps Training (PROSPECT) program. 

Environmental-Related PROSPECT Courses
The following summarizes environmental courses regularly instructed by the EM CX in support of PROSPECT. For a complete list of PROSPECT courses, see http://ulc.usace.army.mil.

  • Course Control Number 170 – The Environmental Laws & Regulations Course - This is a general course designed for non-attorneys and for attorneys with limited background in environmental law. Topics include federal laws and regulations for environmental protection; pollution standards and variances; congressional and judicial developments; economic and technical difficulties in meeting standards; and the relation of the Corps of Engineers to state and federal agencies in meeting standards and enforcing laws. This is an Inter-Service Environmental Education Review Board (ISEERB) approved course that has been evaluated for use by all DoD Services. 
  • Course Control Number 223 - Hazardous Waste Manifesting/Department of Transportation (DOT) Certification Course – This course enables personnel to understand the regulatory requirements of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act (HMTA) as it applies to the generation, transportation, and disposal of hazardous waste. Topics include RCRA waste classification, land disposal restrictions, generator requirements, manifesting requirements, and DOT requirements such as determining shipping descriptions, packagings, labeling, marking, and placarding. This training assists “HazMat Employers” in their evaluation as to whether their employees should be certified to sign hazardous waste manifests per 49 CFR subpart H and DoD 4500.9-R, chapter 204. This is an ISEERB-approved course that has been evaluated for use by all DoD Services. 
  • Course Control Number 226 – The Complete RCRA Course – This course covers all aspects of RCRA including hazardous waste, used oil, and universal waste management; land disposal restrictions; underground storage tank regulations; and RCRA corrective action for responding to releases of hazardous waste. 
  • Course Control Number 356 - The CERCLA/RCRA Remediation Process Workshop - This course trains personnel regarding cleanup under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) and under the RCRA Corrective Action Program. It explains the CERCLA cleanup process for responding to releases of hazardous substances, pollutants, and contaminants as specified within the National Contingency Plan. It explains the RCRA Corrective Action Process as typically imposed via RCRA permit requirements or administrative orders.  This course is an ISEERB approved course.
  • Course Control Number 398 - Environmental Regulations Practical Applications Course – This course addresses compliance with major environmental laws such as RCRA; the Safe Drinking Water Act; the Clean Water Act; the Clean Air Act; the Toxic Substances Control Act; Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act; and the Emergency Planning, and Community Right-to-Know Act. 
  • Course Control Number 429 - DOT Recertification Course – The course provides recurrent, refresher training needed under DoD 4500.9-R, Chapter 204 for persons signing hazardous waste manifests. It also addresses requirements of 49 CFR 172, Subpart H, general awareness training regarding hazardous materials. This is an ISEERB-approved course. 
  • Course Control Number 430 - Radioactive Waste Refresher Course – The course provides recurrent, refresher training for persons shipping radioactive waste. 

Other Available Environmental Training Courses
The EM CX teaches a variety of other courses and workshops in the environmental and munitions field.

  • Military Munitions Response Program Course (MMRP) 101 - This course discusses the basic procedural and technical requirements used to investigate, characterize, and remediate munitions and explosives of concern within the framework of the CERCLA process. Topics include regulatory considerations; basic geophysics tools and processes; munitions constituents sampling, ordnance descriptions, uses and functioning; remedial investigation and feasibility study execution; munitions response site prioritization protocol (MRSPP); basic safety considerations and personnel qualifications; handling of munitions potentially presenting an explosive hazard; construction support considerations; and public involvement requirements and strategies.
  • Military Munitions Response Program Course (MMRP) 201 - This course discusses the advanced procedural and technical requirements used to investigate, characterize, and remediate munitions and explosives of concern within the framework of the CERCLA process. It utilizes instructor led practical exercises, case studies and lessons learned to equip students with the knowledge to develop and critically review project documents from planning documents (UFP- QAPP Worksheets) through Decision Documents. The course also provides more in-depth instruction on the application of statistical and geophysical tools, including Munitions Advanced Classification.
  • EPCRA Standardization-Garrison Reporting Course - This course provides instruction on the annual reporting requirements of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA). This course includes discussion on EPCRA Sections 302/303, 304, 311/312 and 313 as well as several sections of the law establishing different reporting threshold calculations and annual reporting requirements.
  • RCRA 8 Hour Refresher Course – This course is intended to satisfy annual recurrent RCRA training requirements for generators of hazardous waste.  Students are refreshed on identification of hazardous waste; generator categories; generator standards; recordkeeping requirements; conditions for permit exemptions; and management of universal waste, used oil, and lead-acid batteries.

In addition, the following FUDS training courses are available and can be tailored to meet other agency needs as requested: 

  • Course 101, FUDS Program & Policy, 16 hours, Onsite
  • Course 102, Effective Communication for the FUDS Program, 24 hours, Onsite
  • Course 103, Five Year Review - Execution, 16 hours, Onsite
  • Course 104, FUDS CTC Environmental Liability Estimating, 16 hours, Onsite
  • Course 109, FUDS Legal Bootcamp, for division/district OCs, 24 hours, Onsite
  • Course 110, FUDS Program/Project Execution, 24 hours, Onsite
  • Course 111, RACER for CTC Estimators, 8 hours, Onsite
  • Course 112, Data Usability Assessments, 24 hours, Onsite
  • Course 203, Munitions Constituents (MC) Planning to Reporting - Execution, 24 hours, Onsite
  • Course 204, Explosive Safety for OE Safety Specialists, 16 hours, Onsite
  • Course 213, Military Munitions Response Program EM 200-1-15, 32 hours, Onsite
  • Course 303, Administrative Record, 2 hours, Net Training
  • Course 304, Proposed Plans, 1.5 hours, Net Training
  • Course 305, FUDSMIS: A Programmatic Perspective, 2 hours, Net Training
  • Course 306, FUDSMIS and P2, 2 hours, Net Training
  • Course 307, Relative Risk Site Evaluation, 2 hours, Net Training
  • Course 308, FUDS Records Management Database, 2 hours, Net Training
  • Course 309, FUDS Document Categories, 1.5 hours, Net Training
  • Course 310, Common Operations Reports, 1 hour, Net Training
  • Course 311, Historical Photographic Analysis, 1 hour, Net Training
  • Course 313, ROE Requirements and Procedures, 2 hours, Net Training
  • Course 314, Remedy Selection for Restricted Land Use with Possible LUCs, 2 hours, Net Training
  • Course 315, Finding ARARs, 2 hours, Net Training
  • Course 316, CERCLA Human Health Risk Assessment, 2 hours, Net Training
  • Course 317, CERCLA Ecological Risk Assessment, 2 hours, Net Training
  • Course 318, The Data Quality Objectives (DQO) Process, 3.5 hours, Net Training
  • Course 320, Chemicals of Emerging Concern for FUDS, 2 hours, Net Training
  • Course 323, Project-Specific Chemical Data Quality Management, 3 hours, Net Training
  • Course 324, FUDS Project Identification, 2.5 hours, Net Training
  • Course 327, Restoration Advisory Board, 1 hour, Net Training
  • Course 329, Optimization Approaches for HTRW Projects at FUDS, 2 hours, Net Training
  • Course 330, FUDS CTC Supervisory Review, 2 hours, Net Training
  • Course 332, Vapor Intrusion, 1 hour, Net Training
  • Course 334, FUDS Forum Portal, 1 hour, Net Training
  • Course 335, Value Engineering in FUDS Environmental Projects, 2 hours, Net Training
  • Course 336 FUDS CTC Environmental Liability Estimating Refresher, 3.5 hours, Net Training
  • Course 337, Basic ARARs, 1 hour, Net Training
  • Course 338, ARARs Refresher, 2 hours, Net Training
  • Course 339, FUDS Official Workplan, 2 hours, Net Training
  • Course 340, FUDS Program Metrics, 2 hours, Net Training
  • Course 341, FUDSMIS: CTC, LCP, & AWP Explained, 2 hours, Net Training
  • Course 342, Five-Year Review Overview, 3 hours, Net Training
  • Course 343, Monitored Natural Attenuation and Engineered Bioremediation, 2 hours, Net Training 
  • Course 344, In-Situ Chemical Oxidation and In-Situ Thermal Remediation, 2.5 hours, Net Training
  • Course 345, Groundwater Extraction, 2 hours, Net Training
  • Course 346, Above-Ground Treatment of Water, 2 hours Net Training
  • Course 347, Soil Vapor Extraction and Air Sparging, 2 hours, Net Training
  • Course 348, Landfill Gas Collection and Vapor Treatment, 2 hours, Net Training
  • Course 349, UFP-QAPP Overview, 2 hours, Net Training
  • Course 350, FUDS Orientation for new team members, 1.5 hours, Net Training
  • Course 352, FUDS GIS Overview, 1.5 hours, Net Training
  • Course 353, Excavation, Low-Temperature Desorption, and Landfarming, 2.5 hours, Net Training
  • Course 354, Landfill Design, 2.5 hours, Net Training
  • Course 355, Vertical Barrier Walls and Permeable Reactive Barriers, 2 hours, Net Training
  • Course 356, Digging into the Nine Criteria, 2 hours, Net Training
  • Course 357 Cultural Resources, 2.5 hours, Net Training
  • Course 358, Endangered Species Act, 2 hours, Net Training
  • Course 359, Decision Documents, 2 hours, Net Training
  • Course 360, Workplan Build Strategies and Descriptions, 2 hours, Net Training
  • Course 361, FUDS Baseline Metrics, 2 hours, Net Training 
  • Course 362, Overview of Geophysics for HTRW Projects, 5 hours, Net Training 
  • Course 363, Land Use Controls Implementation Plans, 2 hours, Net Training 
  • Course 403, Geophysics Overview, 2 hours, Net Training
  • Course 404, Explosive Safety for Project Teams, 2 hours, Net Training
  • Course 406, MMRP Workplan Including UFP-QAPP, 3 hours, Net Training
  • Course 409, FUDS Public Participation Requirements, 2 hours, Net Training
  • Course 410, MRSPP Process Overview Including Delineation, 4 hours, Net Training
  • Course 414, Introduction to Munitions Constituents, 4 hours, Net Training
  • Course 415, Green and Sustainable Remediation (GSR) Introduction to Consideration and Incorporation of GSR into USACE Environmental Remediation, 2 hours, Net Training
  • Course 417, Building a Well-Supported CSM, 2 hours, Net Training
  • Course 418, MMRP Design: Updates, Best Practices, and Lessons Learned, 2 hours, Net Training
  • Course 419, Interim Risk Management at FUDS, 1.5 hours, Net Training
  • Course 421, RCRA Subpart X Relevance to MMRP Projects, 2 hours, Net Training
  • Course 423, Chemical Data Management in FUDS, 2 hours, Net Training
  • Course 424, FUDSCHEM for Chemists, 4 hours, Net Training
  • Course 425, Advanced Munitions Constituents Update, 3 hours, Net Training
  • Course 426, EMCX Independent Technical Review (ITR) – Process Overview, 2 hours, Net Training
  • Course 427, A Critical Look at MMRP Proposed Plans, 2 hours, Net Training
  • Course 428, MMRP Risk Management Method, 2.5 hours, Net Training
  • Course 429, Management of Complex Groundwater Remediation Sites, 3 hours, Net Training
  • Course 431, Special Considerations for FUDS-MMRP Contracting, 6 hours, Net Training

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EMCX Available Training

(as of September 2022)