Global Operations

Program Manager 256-895-1709

Huntsville Center
Published Oct. 7, 2015
Updated: Oct. 9, 2024


The Global Operations, OEG, Division within the Ordnance and Explosives Directorate provides global support for ordnance, munitions and explosives of concern and active range clearance. OEG also provides environmental support services and low voltage electrical safety and repair for all DOD services, Combatant Commands, Component Commands and any other U.S. agencies in support of contingency operations, steady state operations and foreign military sales to provide innovative, effective engineering solutions to unique, complex and high-risk missions. Small teams of program and technical specialists are forward deployed to establish an in-country presence and to provide project oversight and are supported in the rear by a full cadre of engineers and contracting personnel.

Ongoing Projects

Munitions and Explosives of Concern Characterization and Clearance in support of Guam Defense System – OEG completed a MEC Clearance for U.S. Space Force in Guam in FY24 and also continues a MEC Clearance for multiple MDA sites in Guam in FY24. OEG completed a MEC reconnaissance of multiple United States Army Pacific sites for United States Indo-Pacific Command in FY24 and intends to conduct MEC clearance in FY25.

Task Force SAFE, Safety Actions Fire and Electrical – Central Command Electrical and Fire Safety. Teams operating in Kuwait, Jordan and Iraq have identified and mitigated Urgent Life Health and Safety and Priority deficiencies to ensure the safety of U.S. personnel.

Previous Projects

MSAB Unexploded Ordnance Clearance in Azraq, Jordan – Supported AFCENT – Providing munitions response services consisting of Munitions and Explosives of Concern and Material Potentially Presenting an Explosive Hazard clearances. This includes munitions debris and range-related debris from specified areas for the Muwaffaq Sulti Air Base Az Raq, Jordan, in advance of future MILCON construction activities at the air base that began March 2018. Work is in support of USACE Middle District MILCON construction effort for U.S. Air Force Central and U.S. Air Force Civil Engineering Center.

Environmental Footprint Reduction Afghanistan – Providing environmental footprint reduction operations and supporting activities throughout Afghanistan is a result of the draw down of military operations in Afghanistan. Due to the drawdown of military operations in Afghanistan, many camps and bases throughout Afghanistan are being returned in whole or part to their original environmental condition.

Environmental Response Teams Afghanistan – Providing environmental response and hazardous material disposition at numerous bases and facilities located throughout Afghanistan.

Download the Global Operations fact sheet PDF here.

(as of September 2022)