The U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville Energy Division offers holistic solutions using a portfolio of energy management tools, from planning and consultation, energy audits and project management to acquisition support and alternative financing options.
Our focus is sustainable and renewable energy to produce Net Zero installations using our integrated services with a commitment to federal mandate compliance for our customers. We provide global leadership and innovative enterprise energy solutions.
We provide follow-through capability to implement the Army Energy Campaign’s five goals for 2030:
1. Eliminate energy waste
2. Increase energy efficiency
3. Reduce dependence on fossil fuels
4. Conserve water resources
5. Improve energy security
Huntsville Center’s Energy Division:
— Your turn-key approach to energy conservation and security with the most complete energy portfolio customized to meet your energy requirements.
— Your solution for the highest return on investment for every energy dollar invested and assured confidence for your strategic energy portfolio.
Net Zero Road Maps
Huntsville Center’s Energy Division uses in-house and contract experts to produce Net Zero road maps to streamline sustainability and renewable energy measures to execute customers’ strategic energy portfolios. The team also uses distinct Huntsville Center programs, energy toolbox and contracting/ acquisition actions to exceed ongoing federal energy mandates.
The Energy Division provides energy audit reviews to analyze previous studies and develop solutions to help customers meet their strategic energy goals.
Huntsville Center Energy Division provides a mission-critical Net Zero road map to integrate comprehensive energy opportunities for sustainability and renewable energy. The team also provides a capital investment strategy that clearly identifies yearly projects and steps needed to help customers toward Net Zero goals. The division takes a strategic, holistic approach to providing a total energy snapshot by reviewing the customers’ energy consumption costs, utility rates, resources, programs and contracts. Huntsville Center Energy Division has the ability to close the gaps in customers’ energy bridge structures.
The Energy Division team will build the infrastructure necessary to connect energy goals and sustainment and renewable energy needs through:
Understanding the installation energy baseline and energy audits.
Analyzing total installation energy actions: resources, contract actions.
Determining Net Zero initiatives based on an installation snapshot.
Integrating comprehensive energy opportunities: sustainability and renewables.
Developing a Net Zero road map with scope, cost, schedule and contract vehicles.
Developing a Net Zero Capital Investment Strategy and Net Zero Implementation Plan with an actionable year-by-year execution plan.
Energy Programs The Huntsville Center team taps into programs and contract management expertise within the Energy Division and across the Center to help provide customers a comprehensive and customized solution: Commercial Utilities Program, Energy Resilience and Conservation Investment Program project validation, Energy Engineering Analysis Program, Energy Information Management, Energy Savings Performance Contracting, Power Purchase Agreement Program, Resource Efficiency Manager Program, Utility Energy Services Contracting, Facilities Reduction Program, Utility Monitoring and Control Systems and Meter Data Management Systems.
Download the Energy Portfolio Management fact sheet (PDF) HERE.