Huntsville Center reinstates full masking requirements

Huntsville Center Public Affairs
Published July 30, 2021

Out of an abundance of caution and effective immediately, Huntsville Center has reinstated full masking requirements for all employees and guests in its facilities regardless of vaccination status.

This decision is in line with the Secretary of Defense memo on Updated Mask Guidance for all DoD Installations and Other Facilities, dated July 28, 2021.

Specifically, the memo highlights that beginning on July 28, “In areas of substantial or high community transmission, DoD requires all Service members, Federal employees, onsite contractor employees, and visitors, regardless of vaccination status, to wear a mask in an indoor setting on Installations and other facilities owned, leased, or otherwise control by DoD.”

When taking into account the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicators and definitions for substantial or high community transmission, this decision is the safest and most prudent to continue to protect our workforce.

All employees are highly encouraged to stay in close contact with their direct supervisor and leadership for their work status and any other specific requirements.

Release no. 21-006