Huntsville Center’s LinkedIn page continues growth

Huntsville Center Public Affairs
Published Nov. 9, 2018
A look at Huntsville Center’s LinkedIn profile page. Huntsville Center’s page and accompanying news feed let potential stakeholders and employees learn about Huntsville Center’ missions, keep up with the Center’s updates, and even learn about the varied skills of its current employees.

A look at Huntsville Center’s LinkedIn profile page. Huntsville Center’s page and accompanying news feed let potential stakeholders and employees learn about Huntsville Center’ missions, keep up with the Center’s updates, and even learn about the varied skills of its current employees.

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (Nov. 9, 2018) – Not only does the U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville, have its own LinkedIn page, its employee network is steadily growing.

For those out of the loop, LinkedIn is a social media site that lets users set up an online profile that doubles as a resume and then connect with users inside and outside their own company walls. Much like Facebook, LinkedIn users can follow news feeds, as well as share, like and comment on their friends’ updates.

Much like Facebook, it allows users to connect and interact with others. Though much of LinkedIn’s design and functionality mirrors that of Facebook on the surface, LinkedIn is not meant to replace Facebook. Whereas Facebook’s defining characteristic is its ability to foster interaction among friends and family, LinkedIn’s strength is helping users build professional networks.

Professional networking can give people a way to find professional development opportunities, keep pace with industry trends and connect with potential stakeholders. In fact, according to a study from the University of Virginia McIntire School of Commerce that has been replicated multiple times, opening up your professional network beyond your own organization is the top predictor of career success.

Huntsville Center’s page and accompanying news feed let potential stakeholders and employees learn about Huntsville Center’s missions, keep up with the Center’s updates, and even learn about the varied skills of its current employees.

Huntsville Center employees can list themselves in the Employees section of our LinkedIn Page and place our icon and link in their profiles. Employees can also use LinkedIn to grow their networks of current and potential stakeholders.

When Huntsville Center employees are featured in stories or photos on the news feed, they can share them with their “connections” and link to them on their profiles.

One LinkedIn feature not found on most social media platforms is endorsements. This feature lets users showcase a list of skills that people in their professional network can endorse by clicking a simple checkmark. This feature lets anyone looking through a LinkedIn profile to see which skills shine brightest for their professional peers, and it shows which colleagues endorsed them.

LinkedIn gives Huntsville Center a way to post job openings, highlight mentoring and professional development opportunities, stay engaged with other agencies inside and outside the Corps of Engineers, and promote our missions and our employees to the world.

Whether you’re looking for a job or simply looking to stay connected to other professionals in your career field, LinkedIn can get you looped in to online professional networking. Check it our page and follow us by visiting


Note: All job openings that Huntsville Center posts to LinkedIn are in the form of links on the news feed; not through the “See Jobs” button on our profile. Alternately, users can visit the main U.S. Army Corps of Engineers LinkedIn page ( to see job openings at Huntsville Center by clicking on “See Jobs” and inputting the search term “Huntsville” to narrow the results.