HUNTSVILLE, Ala. --For more than two hours June 19, U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville leadership updated the workforce and recognized exceptional performance through presenting awards in the first ever virtual town hall event held online.
More than 800 Huntsville Center employees from Huntsville, Alabama, Omaha, Nebraska and Alexandria, Virginia, logged into an online meeting platform to hear the words of Huntsville Center leaders praise the workforce for a job-well-done during unprecedented times.
“We are continuing to build trust in our relationships with our stakeholders safely,” said Col. Marvin Griffin, Huntsville Center commander.
“We have a lot to be positive about and today we are going to recognize the people doing tremendous work.”
After presenting team and individual awards, Lt. Col. Hugh Darville briefed the workforce on the status of return-to-work efforts, explaining the requirements and procedures that will lead to decision to return.
Darville said employee safety is the top concern and considerations of Department of Defense, Army, Corps of Engineers, state, local procedures will determine when and how the phased return will occur.
Following Darville’s briefing, Nate Durham, project manager, talked about ongoing efforts to makeover Huntsville Center’s new facility at 475 Quality Circle.
Following a question and answer period, Griffin closed out the virtual town hall by once again thanking the workforce for their patience and hard work.
“I’m extremely impressed with all you are doing and proud of the great work you do for the nation,” Griffin said.