New construction specifications created for Electronic Security Systems

Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville
Published July 15, 2016

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville worked with the Naval Facilities Engineering Command and published two new Unified Facilities Guide Specifications in May 2016.

These guide specifications, pertain to Electronic Security Systems and Electronic Security System Acceptance Testing. The guidance includes the requirements security systems must meet and procedures on testing the systems once those requirements are met.

“Electronic security systems are a key element of physical security at DoD installations, enhancing the protection of facilities, equipment, and people against a range of criminal and terrorist threats,” said ESS Mandatory Center of Expertise Technical Deputy Charles Malone.

The ESS guide specifications encompass software, installation and a broad range of security equipment including cameras, sensors and card reader systems.

Within a period of three years, the two construction agents for the Department of Defense updated and merged their ESS guide specifications together to create one unified tool for all the services to use.

“The purpose of the guide (specifications) is really to support military construction,” Malone said.

Their collaboration includes up-to-date technology for the ESS guide specifications and examples of testing procedures for the ESS Acceptance Testing guide specifications, he said.

“The unification and a refresh on technology and standards— those are really what we’re most proud of about the documents,” Malone said.

Users of this new guidance have the opportunity to improve it by submitting their suggestions through a Criteria Change Request, Malone said.

For complete guidance, go to