EM CX Workshops
The EM CX teaches a variety of workshops as listed below. These topics are available at a nominal cost and can be taught on-site or possibly via the Internet by subject matter experts from the EM CX. The level of detail can be easily tailored and topics can be combined into a course to meet specific needs. The costs for presenting these topics depend on the class location, length of the course and the number of instructors. Please contact the appropriate CX Training contact to discuss workshop content, cost and schedule.
Site Characterization: (402) 697-2668
- Air Photo Analysis
- Analytical Strategies
- Aquifer Testing
- Contaminant Behavior
- Data Management and Geographic Information Systems
- Data Quality Requirements and Evaluation
- Decontamination Procedures
- Diffusion Bag Sampling
- Drilling Methods and Soil Sampling
- Environmental Geophysics
- Ground Water Modeling QA/QC
- Ground Water Sampling, including Passive Sampling Methods
- Investigation Derived Waste
- Monitoring Well Installation
- Multi-Increment Sampling of Soils
- Perchlorate Sources and Characterization
- Planning Documents
- PRP site investigations and environmental forensics
- Quality Assurance and Quality Control Procedures
- Sampling Strategies and Statistics
- Sample Packaging and Shipment
- Soil Gas and Air Sampling
- Statistical Analysis of Data
- Surface Water and Sediment Sampling
- Technical Project Planning and Data Quality Objectives
- Waste Sampling
Environmental Monitoring/Chemical Data Quality Management: (402) 697-2563
- New Chemist Orientation
- Environmental Laboratory Assessment (including DOD Quality Systems Manual)
- Environmental Laboratory Data Review
- Environmental Laboratory Electronic Data Management
- Field Measurement Technologies
- Statistics - Applications for Environmental Monitoring
- SW-846 Methods Compendium for Water/Solids
- Triad
Remediation Techniques: (402) 697-2668
- Alternative Cover Systems
- Collection Trenches
- Composting Electrokinetics
- Excavation and Disposal
- Ex-situ Bioremediation
- Ex-situ Thermal Treatment
- Gas Treatment
- Geosynthetics
- Ground Water Extraction
- Ground Water Treatment
- In-Situ Air Sparging
- In-Situ Bioremediation
- In-Situ Chemical Oxidation/Reduction
- In-Situ Flushing
- In-Situ Thermal Treatment
- Landfarming
- Landfill Liner and Cover Systems
- Natural Attenuation
- Permeable Reactive Barriers
- Perchlorate Treatment
- Product Recovery and Multi-Phase Extraction
- Soil Vapor Extraction
- Soil Washing
- Stabilization/Solidification
- Vertical Barrier Walls
Performance and Optimization Reviews: (402) 697-2668
- CERCLA Five-Year Review
- Long-Term Monitoring Program Optimization
- Pump and Treat Subsurface Performance Optimization
- Remediation System Evaluation (RSE)
Health, Safety,& Risk Assessment: (402) 697-2563
- Introduction to Health Physics
- Introduction to Risk Assessment (Human Health and Ecological Risk)
- Radiation Safety Officer
- Radiation Worker
- UST Safety and Health Workshop
Cost Engineering: (402) 697-2610
- Cost-to-Complete for FUDS/Army IRP work
Environmental Regulations & Record Keeping: (402) 697-2632
- Administrative Record/Permanent Project File
- Applicable or Relevant and Appropriate Requirements (ARARs)
- CERCLA Process
- Clean Air Act
- Clean Water Act and/or Storm Water
- EMS (including the EOPs)
- RCRA Process
- Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA)
- Update of Regulatory Requirements
- Hazardous Waste (HW) Manifesting/Department of Transportation (DOT) Certification
- HW Manifesting/DOT Recertification
- Radioactive Waste Transportation
- Air Transport of Dangerous Goods
- Common Operations Training
Military Munitions and Explosives: (256) 895-1795
- Geophysical Prove-Out
- MRSPP Scoring
- Military Munitions Response Process and Policy
- UXO 101
- Geophysics 101
- Geophysics 201
- Munitions Constituents
- Basic Safety Considerations
- UXO Personnel Qualifications
- Processing MPPEH
- Construction Support Activities
- Explosives/Chemical Safety Submissions