More than 40 Resource Efficiency Managers (REMs) converged at Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, to talk shop during the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville’s fourth Resource Efficiency Manager Workshop June 19-20.
The workshop focused on best practices by providing program updates, and encouraged attendees to engage in intensive discussion on how to save their customers’ resources and subsequently save taxpayers’ dollars.
Workshop topics focused on third-party financing, utility cost reduction and energy audit programs, cost engineering, energy security, sustainability and measurement and verification.
“We want the REMs to gain a better understanding of the wide variety of tools available to assist them in achieving their goals,” said John Trudell, Huntsville Center REM program manager and host of the event.
“There was a lot accomplished in a very short period of time,” Trudell said.
Huntsville Center’s REM program increases military installation’s energy efficiency by identifying projects and practices to reduce energy and water costs through a contracted subject matter expert. In The REMs develop site energy projects to secure resources for sustainability and renewable energy assets.
One of the event coordinators, Teresa Whalen, Huntsville Center REM Project Manager, said she felt the REMs in attendance gained something from the workshop to take back and implement.
“We provided them with briefings on specific Huntsville Center’s Energy Division programs that can help them conserve resources. Attendees also shared their own experiences, tapping other sources available within the Army Corps of Engineers, Department of Defense and the Department of Energy that can help their installations achieve federal energy reduction mandates,” she said.
Representatives from each of the Energy Division’s seven programs briefed on how they could assist REMs. Representatives from Huntsville Center’s Safety Office, Engineering Directorate, and Electronic Technology [A4] Division briefed REMs on ways they can assist and reach-back capabilities that they offer.
Dave Hampton, a REM employed by Redhorse Corp., serving U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Omaha District said the event was a great opportunity to network and learn from other attendees.
Hampton said the workshop [A5] allowed the REMs to make new contacts and share information and lessons learned.
"Just knowing you have a support system of other REMs to call is extremely beneficial," Hampton said.
Attendees also participated in a technology exposition with industry representatives providing demonstrations, videos and other information applicable to REM-specific projects such as micro-grids, smart building innovations and the availability of new HVAC technologies.
More information of the REM program can be found HERE.
Contact the REM program manager by sending an EMAIL.