In 1980 the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) approached the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville to award contracts for the creation of Operations and Maintenance manuals for its Defense Fuel Supply Center. The DLA-Fuels Recurring Maintenance and Minor Repairs Program initially rolled out for Army installations in Europe in 2001. Based on that success, DLA Energy asked Huntsville Center to develop a continental United States program to provide program management and contracting support in 2009.
DLA-Fuels, administered by Huntsville Center provides vital maintenance inspections, repairs and emergency response actions for DLA capitalized petroleum facilities at Army and Installation Management Command installations worldwide in compliance with federal, state and local code, criteria and regulations. In addition to the Army, the DLA-Fuels Program supports Navy and Air Force service components.
The DLA-Fuels Program provides maintenance support to more than 225 installations to assist fuel managers, Directorates of Public Works and Defense Logistics Organizations maintaining the DLA capitalized investment of fuel facilities while assisting in extending their usable life.
DLA-Fuels Program is divided into two major areas: Recurring Maintenance and Minor Repair. Recurring maintenance contractors provide maintenance inspections typically at a quarterly, semiannual and annual basis, identifying possible deficiencies that can contribute to the deterioration on the fuel system affecting the site operation. These visits generate a deficiency list. Recurring Maintenance is the backbone of this program and focuses on maintaining the capital investment. Minor Repair (Service Orders) is used to repair deficiencies identified during the recurring maintenance visit using the service order procedure, initiated by the quality assurance evaluator (QAE). The QAE is a government representative who validates that the government has a valid requirement and manages the service order priorities requested of the Recurring Maintenance/ Minor Repair contractor. Service order is either, routine or emergency. Minor Repair sustains equipment operational readiness.
Three of the major keys to success for the DLA-Fuels Program are: 1) This contract allows installation fuel operators the ability to customize their recurring maintenance frequency and allows a single contract vehicle to be used for repairs and maintenance. Previously, each site would need to spend time and effort for single contracts to repair a valve or pump. 2) The ability to address emergency minor repair issues in a timely manner, via the use of service orders. The DLA-Fuels Program executes 24-hour worldwide support for emergency situations involving DLA capitalized fuel equipment/facilities. This service provides essential assistance to sites that have critical situations, often affecting the mission. 3) Using expert fuel contractors that are evaluated based on their past performance in the field of petroleum fuel systems and minor repairs but also in complying with federal and local regulations.
An example of the type of fuels support provided occurred recently at Fort Hood, Texas. A vehicle hit a fuel dispenser, causing damages to it. The QAE requested an emergency service order to assess/survey the damages and complete the required repairs. The contractor responded within 24 hours and completed the assessment, cut and capped electrical and fuel lines, installed a new dispenser, and returned the fuel dispenser to its normal operation.
“The recurring maintenance contract provided by DLA-Energy has been a great asset to the DLA mission here at Fort Hood,” said Arrick Price, the Fort Hood QAE. “The recurring maintenance contractor has responded to the needs of this facility with a great sense of urgency – in most cases after explaining the problem that we are having, the contractor shows up with the right parts to not only diagnose the problem, but fix it while on-site.”
DLA-Fuels Program is an effective recurring maintenance and minor repair program that increases the reliability and safety of facilities, system and components. This increases the useful life of facilities and equipment resulting in optimizing the life cycle of the fuel system and components, thereby increasing the duration between required re-capitalized investments. DLA-Fuels Program maintains a close working relationship with DLA-Energy, the Service Control Points (Army Petroleum Center, Navy Support Center and Air Force Petroleum Agency), and the installation points of contact, as well as with the USACE Omaha District Petroleum, Oil and Lubricants Center of Expertise. This coordination is critical to solve daily issues for the fuel operators. It also is critical for coordination and execution.