The Huntsville Center Energy Division values education and is dedicated to providing multiple avenues for our customers to gain energy training. Our training partners and activities are wide ranging to offer our customers the most comprehensive opportunity for expanding their energy knowledge and understanding our portfolio of Army Energy programs to provide solutions for their agency.
Current and Past Training Endeavors:
Energy Saving Performance Contracts (ESPC) training via partnership with the Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) - Support FEMP's ESPC training efforts through application of our subject matter experts (SMEs)
Energy Huntsville - Collaborate regularly with Energy Huntsville through the provision of subject matter experts to lead panels and discussions of various energy, acquisition, and related government topics.
Energy Exchange - Provide speakers and subject matter experts to lead panels and discussions of various energy, acquisition, and related government topics.
Resource Efficiency Manager (REM) Workshop and Conference - Full coordination and management of week long workshop for 25+ resource efficiency managers; hosted speakers on all aspects of energy management (from funding and third party financing to energy audits)
Army Energy Manager Training (Basic and Advanced) - Management, coordination, curriculum compilation, and instruction of two (2) week long classes for Army Energy Managers
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Center of Expertise in Sustainability (CXS):
The ESPC and EEAP programs of the Huntsville Center Energy Division are recognized as Centers of Expertise in Sustainability (CXS) by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. This recognition designates them as the repository of expertise and knowledge, custodian of relevant policy and documents, and leader of training on their respective subject areas. Click the program names below to link to the CXS sites for each program.
Energy Savings Performance Contracts (ESPC)
Energy Audits (Energy Engineering Analysis Program - EEAP)
Looking to the Future:
The Huntsville Center looks to collaborate with the following partners to establish new and creative opportunities for our customers to further their energy knowledge.
Defense Acquisition University (DAU)
PROSPECT Program - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Learning Center (ULC)
University of Alabama in Huntsville, Alabama A&M, and other academia
Energy Division News:
Stay educated and informed about the Huntsville Center Energy Division and our numerous programs. Click here for Energy Division News.
Our team is committed to providing our customers with the highest quality energy training. To participate in training opportunities with our team, call (256) 895-1656 or e-mail.